Usage Conditions of Instruction Manuals

Usage Conditions of Instruction Manuals

You need to read the following usage conditions and agree with them before downloading instruction manuals from the website.

The instruction manuals available on this website are an English translation of the Japanese versions for products sold in the Japanese market. Important safety instructions, such as usage notes and safety precautions, are made based on the Japanese legal rules and industry standards. The contents on the website may not be the latest safety information or comply with the legal rules and industry standards of the country or region where the tool is to be used; they are not intended to be used in place of the rules and standards of the user’s country.
Please contact us by email at if you require an instruction manual that is unavailable on this website.

  1. The contents of the instruction manuals, such as product specifications, are subject to change without prior notice. Therefore, there may be a difference between the contents of the instruction manuals posted on the website and those of the instruction manuals enclosed in the product.
  2. There may be the case that printed materials other than the instruction manual are enclosed in the product to complement the instruction manual. Please note that not all printed materials are necessarily posted on the website.
  3. An available instruction manual does not indicate the availability of the product.
  4. We shall in no case be liable for any loss or damage caused by using or not being able to use the website.
  5. The instruction manuals are copyrighted by Nitto Kohki Co., Ltd. No material contained in the manual may be reproduced or altered in any form without the prior permission of the copy holder.
  6. The exploded view and parts list are excluded from the website instruction manual.
  7. The website is subject to change or removal without prior notice.